If you still have any leftovers from the recent holiday, you need to make this sandwich. If you don’t have any more storage containers of goodies in the fridge, you seriously need to consider preparing another holiday meal in order to have what you need to make this grilled thing of wonder. Pure delight is the best way I can describe it. Thanksgivings greatest hits in one amazing dish. The Shangri-la of sandwiches.
It seems to me there should be a better name for this golden goddess of holiday leftovers. Names like the Plymouth, the Mayflower, the Miles Standish, and the Christopher Columbus all came to mind, but none of them seem quite right to me. I guess I will have to continue to work on that a bit, and probably the best way to do so is by enjoying another one of these beauties for inspiration.

- slices of french bread
- turkey
- dressing
- cranberry relish
- brie
- mayonnaise
- arugula
- butter
Spread a generous amount of mayonnaise on the slices of bread. On one slice place some arugula, followed by a slice of dressing, turkey, and cranberry relish.
On the other half of the sandwich place a slice of brie.
Put the sandwich together, and spread a layer of butter on the top.
Heat a skillet over medium high heat. Place the sandwich in the skillet buttered side down.
Butter the top side and grill till golden, carefully turning only once. After turning I applied a bit of pressure with the spatula to help the cheese hold the sandwich together.
I use a flat lid from my stock pot to add a bit of weight to the sandwiches as I grill them. This also helps hold the heat making sure the sandwich it hot through.