I was looking at my calendar today and realized that there are now only two weekends before Thanksgiving. I was stunned. How in the world is this possible? I guess with the extended fall we have been experiencing, and all the hype over the election, time has simply escaped me.
I love the fall season and all the vibrant colors that nature displays as its last hurrah before bedding down for the winter ahead. As November ushers in the new season with its bare trees, shorter days, and cold nights, there is a sense of quiet in the air. Mother Nature is resting, preparing herself for the snows to come. For me, it signals the beginning of the holiday season. Time for some favorites like turkey and pumpkin pie.
Well here is a festive cocktail that is definitely not your Grandmothers pumpkin pie, but it might come pretty close to tasting like it. A Pumpkin Pie Martini, the perfect beverage for your Thanksgiving gathering, and don’t be surprised if Grandma enjoys one too.

- 1 ounce Malibu rum
- 1 ounce Kahlua
- 6 ounces half and half or milk for a lighter version
- 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon canned pumpkin pie filling
Place all ingredients together in a blender with a few cubes of ice.
Blend until smooth.
Serve in a glass rimmed with very finely crushed graham cracker crumbs.
Sprinkle more cinnamon on top for garnish.
Enjoy the holidays, but please do so responsibly.