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A Plea to Fellow Foodies: Please Help the Victims of Sandy

Hurricane Sandy

This past few days we have witnessed what maybe the biggest storms of our lifetimes in the United States. The 800 mile wide Hurricane Sandy has impacted the lives of more than fifty million people, striking the East Coast in one of the densest populated areas of our nation. Sandy has left millions without power and water, and forced an equal amount from their homes into shelters. The storm has left elderly people with out access to food and medicine, and families with children nowhere to turn.

Rescue workers have worked tirelessly and risked their lives to help the stranded in the affected areas, many who had no way to leave or a place to go.

These people are friends, I doubt if any of you do not know someone affected by this storm. As the days pass the counts of our neighbors that were injured or left homeless increases. It will be weeks before many of our friends are able to return to their homes, and many will still have nowhere to go. Temporary shelters set up by the Red Cross are doing their best to provide our brothers and sisters medical attention, a warm meal, water, and a place to sleep.

This is why I am asking fellow Food Bloggers and Foodies to unite together to help our friends. I truly believe that this circle of people is the most caring, unselfish, willing to help group I have ever had the privilege to be a part of. We are a powerful group. Combined we connect and interact with millions of people each day, and we can make a difference in helping our friends in need.

How can we help?

One way is by giving blood. Contact your local red cross or blood bank for location and hours. Your contribution helps those injured and helps gives them a fighting chance.

Another way is to donate. While it is a nice thought to drop off cans of food for the hurricane victims, it is almost impossible for the Red Cross to actually get these items to those in need. The extra people it takes to handle, sort, and process the donations are in short supply, and trucks used to transport goods to the victims are currently already in use. The best way to help is through a cash donation, this allows the Red Cross to purchase the things they need most.

I know that times are tough for everyone, however if you are at a computer reading this, you have it better than thousands of our friends right now. Ten dollars from each of us will add up to thousands in aid for our neighbors. I know I am willing to forgo a couple of items at the grocery store, to help those who literally have nothing right now.

There are a couple of easy ways to donate.

A $10 dollar charge will appear on your phone bill.

Click this link to donate to the Red Cross Disaster Fund

I ask you to please spread this throughout the Foodie Community. I know that our network  can and will make a difference, our friends need some help right now, and I am sure this wonderful group of people will come through and offer a hand.

Thank you my friends! ~christoph

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