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In Search of a Cure for Gardening Fever

Seed packets

With spring officially arriving tomorrow morning at 1:14 am, I need to start thinking about my garden, even though It is still a bit to early to plant much of anything in the ground.  According to the Old Farmers Almanac our last frost-free date here in Denver is around April 30th. We average 157 growing days with our first frost arriving about October 4th, so there will be plenty of time to grow most anything, just not time yet.

I have given up attempting to grow many types of vegetables. Between the birds, squirrels, and lack of space I found all the effort too frustrating for the amount of produce actually produced. I do however make sure to have a good assortment of culinary herbs planted. I delight in being able to go out in the yard to gather handfuls of the fragrant foliage to flavor my dishes.

I also plant spinach (In a large container so as not to take valuable real estate) both as an early crop, and again in the late fall.  Since spinach likes cool weather and can withstand frost, it can be planted this week starting the 22nd, however the moon favorable date is not until April 2nd. (I will plant my fall crop around Labor day). My radishes will have to wait until the beginning of May to be sown. The Almanac also tells me above-ground crops are planted during the light of the Moon (new to full); below-ground crops are planted during the dark of the Moon (from the day after it is full to the day before it is new again) and planting at night is optional!  I just might have to break out my sextant and fire up the tiki torches for this.

As an attempted cure for my gardening fever, I made a visit to our neighborhood garden center City Floral. I was accompanied by my dear sister Jennifer (a.k.a. “Stormy Elph Fujita”) on this excursion. It was rather quiet in the nursery with the exception of some staff gearing up for the days ahead. It was encouraging to see what they had growing and that they too were expecting spring to return. We enjoyed poking our heads in all the green houses (whether they were open or not) and soaked in the warm earthy aroma of the early garden.

One of the hardiest plants is the inaccurately named pansy. These “tough guys” come in a plethora of colors and can be seen blooming almost year round.

A special thanks to “Stormy” for snapping these great pictures with her new little green Elph.

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